COMING SOON! The second annual writing contest for all horse or pony people! Winner gets a $15 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble Bookstore and their essay will be posted on this blog. Check back on July 4th for the full details.
The Horse Park of New Jersey is proud to announce the addition of ReRun as the benefactor of the 2010 Jersey Fresh International Three Day Event scheduled for May 6-9, 2010. This event will also serve as a selection trial for the 2010 World Equestrian Games this coming summer in Lexington Kentucky
RERUN, is a 501(c)3 organization that was founded in 1996. ReRun’s mission is to provide rest, rehabilitation and retraining to Thoroughbred ex-racehorses who are no longer competitive at the racetrack. ReRun pioneered the concept that racehorses need not be retired but can be retrained for productive careers in a variety of riding disciplines. ReRun has placed hundreds of ex-racehorses in adoptive homes to do dressage, jumping, foxhunting, trail riding and even barrel racing.
ReRun maintains farms in New Jersey, New York, and a smaller chapter in North Carolina. The program cares for approximately 45 horses awaiting adoption and relies primarily on grants, donations and volunteers to operate. In 2009, ReRun was selected as the on site program for Monmouth Park and is responsible for assisting NJ owners and trainers with placing more horses from NJ racetracks. This program is partially funded by the New Thoroughbred Horseman’s Association and the Monmouth Park jockey colony.
ReRun conducts other fundraising efforts throughout the year, including a Day at the Races at Monmouth Park, an Annual Charity Horse Show at the NJ Horse Park and eBay auctions of its trademarked “Moneigh” ® horse paintings. This year’s holiday Moneigh auction was held November 29 to December 6. Over 40 famous Thoroughbreds, including such greats as Cigar, Funny Cide and Rags to Riches, have painted unique pieces of art using their muzzles, whiskers, tails and sometimes a paintbrush.
For more information about ReRun Thoroughbred Adoption, visit their web site by clicking here: ReRun
Once upon a time a little girl named Emilie who lived in the city told her family she wanted to ride a pony. The family was very busy and knew nothing about ponies, so they scratched their heads and hoped if they didn’t mention it again the little girl would forget and pick another activity. Like soccer. Or playing with dolls.
But the little girl didn’t forget and every time they drove past a stable with ponies grazing in a field, she pressed her nose against the window of the car and dreamed of wrapping her tiny hands in a mane and galloping through the woods. She went to the library and checked out books about ponies. She learned all the different breeds, the assorted colors, what ponies ate, where they came from, and most importantly she discovered the yearning she felt was not going to go away. So she asked her parents again if she could please ride a pony.
The parents loved their daughter, so they made arrangements to take her to a free lesson at the local stable on a Sunday afternoon. Before they knew it, their daughter was enrolled in a weekly class. Every Saturday morning the Mom, Joy, drove her daughter to the stable and watched from outside the ring as Emilie learned to go up and down, up and down, and soon their car smelled like leather boots and mud and hay and peppermints.
Joy noticed that Emilie’s whole week was planned around the one hour lesson she took on Saturdays, and she saw how her quiet daughter laughed when she cantered around the ring. When Emilie started jumping and could speak of nothing but the excitement and happiness it brought her, Joy thought there must be something to this horseback riding thing and signed herself up for lessons, too.
As soon as he took his first lesson, the Dad knew he was hooked. So he signed up for more lessons. He and his wife and daughter rode together in the evenings, and now at the dinner table, when they joined the son named Jed, they chatted together about horses and ponies and hay and mud and boots and bridles and horse colors and cantering. The brother Jed listened carefully and was happy for his family. But he was so busy with his own life he decided not to try riding himself, and that was okay.
One day the Dad found out he had a disease called MS, or Multiple Sclerosis. His doctor said he couldn’t run anymore, but for exercise he could still ride horses. So the Dad bought a horse for himself, one for his wife, and another for his daughter. Now the family included the Mom and the Dad, the little girl named Emilie, the brother named Jed, and three horses: Music, Jewell and Jake.
When the horse named Jake became sick he was retired to a farm with lots of grass, and the Mom and Dad bought the daughter another horse named Katarina. When they found out Katarina was going to have a surprise baby, they scratched their heads and wondered what to do. The high powered attorney and his family realized they didn’t want to live in the city with the traffic and the noise anymore, so they bought a house in the country and moved their horses across the bay. Music, Jake, Jewell, Katarina and her foal, who would be named Conan, made their home at a new farm across the lane from the country house where the family now lived.
Every morning when they left for work and school the family waved at their horses, grazing happily in their fields. Emilie, who was now a big girl, wondered if little girls pressed their faces to the window when they drove by her horses in the field and wished they, too, could ride a pony. Each evening the family walked across the road and spent many happy hours together at the stables with their horses.
Years later the daughter became a veterinary technician so she could help ponies who were sick. She raised and trained Katarina’s foal by herself, and lived surrounded by the horses she loved. The Mom, Joy, lost her beloved horse Jewell, so she bought another horse and decided she wanted to ride her new horse in competitions, like her daughter had so many years before. Norm, the high powered city attorney with MS, became a professional bird watcher and amateur photographer, and worked to save the land on the other side of the bay while riding his best friend, Music, through the fields and down the lanes. And in the evenings, when they gathered together, the family all laughed and scratched their heads and wondered what they would have been doing if the daughter hadn't asked to ride a pony.
The moral of this story is ~ when your little girl says she wants to ride a pony, remember all the possibilities life has to offer and embrace them. Then go buy the best pair of muck boots you can find, because you’re going to need them.
Many thanks to the St. Landau family for including me in their journey.
Ponies Of The Heart
By Nanci Turner Steveson
I found
Every Tuesday and every Friday eight year old
Walking towards Tugboat’s stall yesterday,
The trailer fit snugly into the cul de sac parking spot, and the door rattled as I opened it and pulled down the ramp. Tugboat stared at me, baffled, the red bow I had tied in his forelock still in place. Our feet made tracks in the snow as we followed the path behind the row of suburban townhouses.
The crimson ribbon had fallen to the ground, but I knew it was the right yard when I saw an old broom laid across the top of two trash cans. It was every horse-girl’s signature, a make-shift obstacle in the backyard to jump on their imaginary ponies. Through the sliding glass door I could see the Christmas tree, all the decorations hung on the lowest branches. Dan saw me and quickly turned away. This was the moment! Any minute now
I warmed my hands under Tugboat’s mane. Soon something pink appeared by the tree. It was
“Be still,” I whispered. “It’s only
“Daddy?!” I could hear her this time.
“It’s real,
“Tugboat! You’re mine! Forever and ever, you’re mine!” She flung her arms around Tugboat’s neck and buried her porcelain face into his mane. Laughing and crying, her feet continued to dance in place, her tiny toes barely touching the ground. Dan struggled across the yard, picking up her scattered slippers while trying not to slide on the snow. “
I heard a boy’s voice from the house next door call out, “Hey! Look!
That night after I tucked the horses away and pulled the barn doors tight, I walked home across crunchy snow. A single light shone through my kitchen window. Inside, my grown daughter stood in her white flannel nightgown stirring a pot of our special Christmas hot chocolate. I remembered the pony of her heart the year her father died, a brown pony we called