Attend and submit comments at Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board Meeting on the SEPTEMBER 28th at Hyatt, 1325 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington ,VA 22209 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Attend "MUSTANGS ON THE HILL" gathering on the West Front Lawn of Capitol Hill on SEPTEMBER 29th from 8a.m. - 4 p.m. to support the ROAM Act (Restore Our American Mustangs, S. 1579) and urge Congress to preserve and protect OUR wild horses. We encourage people to bring signs and stand with us united, for OUR wild horse’s future and preservation of OUR heritage and history.
For more information, please visit http://www.thecloudfoundation.org or Mustangs On The Hill Web Site Flier.
Thank you to all for your support!
For God's sake, leave the poor animals alone. Better to be free and hungry than to be locked up or food on someone's dinner plate. Here's a clue: Leave the wild predators alone and nature will take care of the sick, old and infirm. It's called an ecosystem - that's where nature takes care of itself without human help. SAVE OUR MUSTANGS AND OTHER WILD ANIMALS IN AMERICA.
ReplyDeleteThank you MamaMaui, my sentiments exactly. Human interference comes from greed and greed alone. There is so little left in America that is as pure as a wild mustang, but hopefully our voices will be heard and they will be left as they were meant to be. I had someone argue with me the other day, "Well aren't they hungry? Starving? Being eaten by predators anyway?" I stared at this person without the ability to speak because I knew, from the voice of their question, they were not going to get it, no matter what I said.